Trailer Playing Monday July 17th at 12:01 AM ET

Fear and Ignorance are the Problems...

Knowledge and Hope is the Remedy

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25+ Doctors, Scientists and Researchers Reveal the "Hidden Remedies" to Reverse, Revitalize, and Recover from Vaccine Injury!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Presidential Candidate, Best-Selling Author & Environmental Attorney

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, MB.BS

Author & Film Director, Former Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

Rochelle "SILK" Richardson

Freedom Activist & Patriot

John Stockton

Patriot & Podcast Host, 10x NBA All-Star, Basketball Hall of Famer

Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO Founder, Best-Selling Author, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition

Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

Author, Molecular Biologist, Whistleblower

Dr. Paul Thomas, MD

Retired Pediatrician, Former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Podcast Host

Dr. Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

Homeopath, Author & Syndicated Host of "The Robert Scott Bell Show"

Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD, MD(H)

Physician, Nutritionist, Historian, Founder of “An Oasis of Healing”

Leila Centner

CEO and Co-Founder of Centner Academy

Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biology – Simpson University

David “Avocado” Wolfe

Author, Nutrition & Health Expert, Raw Food Advocate

Dr. Bryan Ardis, CH

CEO of Ardis Labs, Host of “The Dr. Ardis Show”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Board-Certified Osteopathic Physician, Author & Lecturer

Dr. Edward Group III, DC

Natural Health Expert, Author, Founder & Chairman of Global Healing

Dr. Irvin Sahni, MD

Author and Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD

Author and Board-Certified Cardiologist/Epidemiologist

Dr. Omar Hamada, MD

Board-Certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Former US Army Surgeon

Erin Elizabeth

Author, Lecturer, Member of the “Disinfo Dozen” & Researcher

Greg Glaser, J.D.

Vaccine Rights & Health Freedom Attorney

John Hewlett

Founder and Formulator of Cardio Miracle

Sofia Karstens

Freedom Activist, Actress & Producer

Jefferey Jaxen

Independent Investigative Journalist, Researcher & Writer

Mike Adams (“The Health Ranger”)

Founder of, Food Scientist, Author & Lecturer

Sayer Ji

Author & Founder of GreenMedInfo & Stand For Health Freedom

Dr. Daniel Nuzum, DO

Toxicologist, Professor, Scientist and Researcher

Dr. Larry Palevsky, MD

Board-Certified Holistic and Integrative Pediatrician

REMEDY will cover the history of vaccines, including smallpox and polio, and the scientific support (or lack thereof) for the current CDC vaccine schedule. The docu-series is primarily focused on providing solutions for those who have suffered vaccine damage, thus offering life-saving knowledge, real hope and actual remedies.


EpisodeEp 1 5/30
Smallpox Vaccine * Medical Heretics
Cult of Vaccinology * COVID Bioweapon
Recover with Nature’s Medicine Chest
EpisodeEp 2 5/31
Polio Vaccine * Physician Persecution
Medical Holocaust * Spike Protein Solution
Regenerate, Repair & Rebuild
EpisodeEp 3 6/1
Hepatitis B Vaccine * Chicken Pox/Shingles
Pharmaceutical Fraud * Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed
Simple Solutions & Reversal Remedies
EpisodeEp 4 6/2
MMR Vaccine * Secret Ingredients
Autism Reversal * Is Science Ever Settled?
Revitalize & Protect with God’s Creation
EpisodeEp 5 6/3
DTP Vaccine * COVID Jab Genocide
Depopulation & Sterilization Agenda?
Detox Dioxin * Heal Holistically
EpisodeEp 6 6/4
HPV Vaccine * Big Pharma “Tricks”
CDC Gaslighting * Heart Health & Myocarditis
Proven Protocols & Time-Tested Therapies
EpisodeEp 7 6/5
Flu Vaccine * COVID Jab for Infants
Rotavirus Scandal * Vipers & Venom
Suppressed Natural Stem Cell Therapy
EpisodeEp 8 6/6
HIB * Vitamin K * Meningitis
Combat the COVID Spike Protein
Fortify Immunity * Protect Longevity

Episode #1 Starts in....

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Your REMEDY Hosts

Ty & Charlene Bollinger

Filmmakers, Parents, and
Health Freedom Advocates

Ty & Charlene Bollinger

Filmmakers, Parents, and
Health Freedom Advocates

We created REMEDY life-saving knowledge, real hope and actual remedies.

In REMEDY we brought together more than 25 of the world's foremost health experts to investigate the damage caused and offer real hope and real solutions.

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